Austin Issac Vantrease
Date of Birth: June 30, 1991
Place of Birth: Wilmington, DE
Height: 6′ 2″
Current Domicile: Under Parent’s Supervision.
Parents: Robert (Bob) Vantrease & Pattie (Gale) Vantrease. ## Ridgewood Turn, Newark, DE 19711.
Children: 1, Male (with Stephanie Lynn Mendez).
![Austin Vantrease & Stephanie Mendez [Source: Stephanie Mendez, Public Post on Facebook, December 2015]](
Austin Vantrease & Stephanie Mendez [Source: Stephanie Mendez, Public Post on Facebook, December 2015]
- Bob. Area President, K. Hovnanian Homes, Dover, DE
- Gale. Short Sales Negotiator, Bank of America.
- Cody Vantrease
- Andraya (Andy) Vantrease.
Education & Employment
High Schools Attended:
- St. Mark’s (Freshman – partial Junior)
- Newark High (partial Junior – Senior).
College: University of Delaware, Withdrawn without degree.
Current Employment (Unverified): Greenleaf
Past Employment: Grotto’s Pizza, Dewey Beach, DE.
Criminal Information
Conviction: Felony Malicious Assault.
Co-defendant: Jonathan Matthew May.
Case/ID Number: 10-F-14.
Conviction Date: July 2010.
Sentencing Hearing: November 15, 2010.
Sentence: 2 – 10 years.
Length of Incarceration: 4 years.
Paroled: July 14, 2014 for 2 – 6 years. Under supervision of parents.
Jail/Prison Incarcerations: North Central Regional Jail, Potomac Highlands Regional Jail, Martinsburg Intake Center, Huttonsville Prison, St. Mary’s Prison.
Incarceration Infractions:
- Pornography
- Drugs
- Misconduct
- Throwing object from cell in direction of guard.
- 1 Unknown
All information given above was obtained from public records and/or internet searches. Source information is deemed reliable, but I’m sure as hell not guaranteeing one-hundred percent accuracy! Austin Vantrease is a known violent offender and this information is provided in the public’s interest and safety.
Shared on my face book page just in case this POS decides to make a trip to Nebraska.
Such a sad story wat a pos monster he should of been charged with attempted murder there should not be a second chance for people like this an yea everyone in jail will say there sorry they are called jail house lies four years was not long enough for this crime people like this is a danger to society an should not be allowed to run the streets I hope bubba got ahold of his ass inside…..
Prayers for the victim and his family as their lives will never be the same this jus breaks my heart I hope he continues to heal
an get better even though it’s gonna take many years my god better with him and his family through out the years….
In my eyes he is a killer he should be in prision more time he no deserved to be free and carry on normal life.we dont need people like him
A woman who would even acknowledge a disgusting example of a lowlife man as Austin Vantrease, let alone allow him to touch her and have a child by him, has to be soul-less and of the same caliber of human being herself that he is. It is so despicable that he took away Ryan’s future, Ryan’s life as it should have been. Austin is allowed freedom (even if he is supposedly tethered to his parents teets through the court system; however, evidently not enough to avoid bringing a child into his evil world), he is allowed to know the touch of a female (even one of questionable character), he is allowed to procreate (it is sad knowing what his child will be subjected to in everyday life, physically and emotionally, due to his father’s horrible deliberate crime and his father’s uncontrollable anger issues), he is allowed a fully physically functioning life. Ms. Mendez should be ashamed of herself subjecting a child to the madness of the world of Austin Vantrease.
I feel neither of the boys involved in this should be released. I call them boys cause no real man would have done this. I know one got released already which he never should have been set free from this crime. They should be in prison for the rest of the time they have left on this earth for what the did to Ryan. I don’t know Ryan but what they did was murder him and that should have been the charge they should have gotten a live sentence with out the possible of parole period. Ryan maybe her physically but mentally he is not alive so why should they be able to walk free on this earth? They shouldn’t they both need to rot in prison pick the other one back up and lock both up and throw away the key. Because they are lucky it wasn’t one of my kids cause I would go to prison for my children. I give Ryan’s family props because they are stronger then I am about the eye for an eye.
Not surprising he’s too stupid to get married before breeding his unwed baby-mama. Wonder if they rubbed two brain cells together and got married or if he kept breeding her for more or if he went on to fresher pastures?